NZEIPS Conference – Change: Early Intervention in Psychosis in 2022

August 22 and 23, 2022 at the Victoria University, Pipitea Campus, Wellington, New Zealand

Registrations are now closed. We are looking forward to meeting you all in Wellington on Monday August 22.

The programme has been finalised, see the links below for more information on Wellington transport options and the conference timetable .

Public transport in and around Wellington:

The Airport Express departs every 15 minutes or so, from the AX bus stop outside the Wellington airport terminal. You can pay with a Snapper card, cash, or contactless debit or credit card. 50% discount applies to fares on the Airport Express until 31 August 2022. Endpoint Wellington Railway Station.

Parking is available in the nearby Stout Street Parking Centre.

Arriving at the venue

Before 9 am: Enter Rutherford House at the Bunny Street entrance. Follow the signs and proceed up the stairs to pick up your Conference nametag before going into the Lecture Theatre LT1.

Monday evening social function at the nearby Thistle Inn from 5 pm, at 3 Mulgrave Street

Map of the railway station and the conference venue

Programme for Monday August 22

Auditorium LT1

9.00                     Welcome – Kuni Shepherd, Kaumatua and Pandra Reihana, Whaea.

9.15                     Opening Speaker - Joseph Tyro (Ngāi Tahu, Te Ati-Haunui-A-Paparangi, Ngāti Rangi)

                              Principal Advisor – Māori Health Authority

                              Mahia te mahi  (If you want something, you have to put in the work)

9.45                     Jim van Os - Early psychosis in a public health and health services perspective (pre-recorded)

10.30 - 10.45 am  Morning Tea

10.45                 Cameron Lacey and Jenni Manuel - Te Uemairangi: Pathways in to EI for Maori clients

11.30                 Mary Jane Thomson - poetry interval

11.45                 Panel discussion - Shared decision making in EIP

12.30 - 1.00 pm Lunch

Auditorium LT1

1.00                    Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust – Early Intervention Service (Amy Herford, Sally Lee, Kate Gibbs and colleagues) - Improving physical healthcare in EI (pre-recorded)      

1.30                    Amanda Luckman, Te Pou – In the long run: The long-term benefits of EI services from a lived experience perspective

2.00                    Gillinder Bedi, Orygen - Seamless support: Policy approaches toward an integrated treatment experience for young people with co-occurring alcohol and other drug use and mental ill-health (via Zoom)


1.00                    Mark Smith, Te Pou - Post discharge data for tāngata whai ora leaving EIP Teams (via Zoom)

1.30                    Janette Ng - Illustrating stories of wellness with young adults

2.00                    Annmaree Kingi - Young people, forensics and early psychosis

2.30 - 2.45 pm  Afternoon Tea

Auditorium LT1

2.45                    Jarrod Haar - Meaningful work and wellbeing

3.15                     Caroline Garbutt, Karlie Willis - Te Haerenga: EIS whānau group programme


2.45                     Dr Roos Pot-Kolder, Orygen - Virtual Reality for Early Psychosis (via Zoom)

3.15                     Matthew Jenkins and Victoria Chinn - Co-designing for health in early intervention (Pre-recorded, with in-person support from Tracey Gardiner)

3.45                     NZEIPS AGM

From 5 pm - Social function at the nearby Thistle Inn

Programme for Tuesday August 23

Auditorium LT1

9.00                     Welcome

9.15                     Eleanor Baggott (Chairperson of NZEIPS) talk about NZEIPS and other matters

9.30                     Prof Barnaby Nelson, Orygen - Psychosis risk: An update on treatment research (via Zoom)

10.15 - 10.30 am  Morning Tea

10.30                  Sue Bagshaw - Early intervention in the context of youth development

11.00                  Sarah Bendall, Orygen - Trauma and early psychosis: Exploring aetiology, mechanisms and treatment approaches (via Zoom)

11.45                  Panel discussion TWO - Client and whānau discussion on whanau involvement in EIS

12.30 - 1.00 pm Lunch

Auditorium LT1

1.00                    Liz Langham - Weaving spaces of safety in early intervention through music therapy

1.30                    Allister Bush and colleagues – Va Fealoaloa’i- understanding nuances of Samoan respectful relationships in life and clinical interactions (60 minutes). Illustrated with scenes taken from the Samoan movie, ‘O Le Tulafale’ (The Orator).


1.00                    Angela Gruar and Trish Gledhill, Te Pou - Worker Well-being

1.30                    John Zonnevylle, Acting Chief Clinical Advisor in Mental Health and Addictions (Manatū Hauora, Ministry of Health) - Early Intervention in Psychosis, a view from the Ministry, Manatū Hauora

2.00                    Elisa McConnochie - Social skills training group in EIS

2.30 - 2.45 pm  Afternoon Tea

Auditorium LT1

2.45                     Emma Jefferies (CDHB) - Oral Health in EI

3.15                     Alison Ford and Gina Gladwin – The Hau-ora programme an Equally Well approach to health and wellbeing.


2.45                     Stephen Wood, University of Melbourne - Clinical neuroscience and translation to clinical practice?

3.15                     Dr Lisa Seerup – Auditory hallucinations, when to see a psychiatrist and when to see an audiologist.

3.45                 Closing and thank you

Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.

Hello and welcome to the May 2021 NZEIPS newsletter. We can’t believe it’s already 6 months since our last update in November last year. It has continued to be a very busy time across Early Intervention Psychosis teams across the country, and in wider mental health services also.

We have been continuing to work on the re-development of the NZEIPS website, which has been slow progress, but will be ready to launch soon. We hope that you will come and check it out once we’re live, and join us in the members’ forum to share ideas and resources to help each other in our EI mahi.

This newsletter provides more details on two important dates – Friday 11th June and Friday 17th September. The June date will be our Annual General Meeting (AGM) and opportunity to see the new website. We will have a session focusing on Whānau interventions, and hear from people across the country doing some great work with families in the EIP space and beyond. We hope you will join us in person or via zoom. The September date will be a meeting focusing on issues related to standards and guidance for EIP services in Aotearoa NZ, which again we invite you to be part of.

Noho ora mai – the NZEIPS Executive Committee

Download the full newsletter here 

Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.

Hello and welcome to the May 2020 NZEIPS newsletter. It has certainly been strange and challenging times for the past couple of months, here in Aotearoa New Zealand, and across the globe.

Although we are fortunate in NZ to be moving out of lockdown, we also acknowledge how challenging this period has been, and will still be, for many people in NZ. This includes some of our Early Intervention Whānau – be that young people experiencing psychosis, their families and friends, or the services and workers supporting them.

As we adjust into our ‘new normal’ we are sure that people are looking forward to getting back into delivering core EIP interventions and support. We know that things have been difficult and services hugely disrupted, but that there has also been tremendous resilience and creativity through this time. We invite you to complete a short survey on your experiences of delivering EIP during the lockdown here:

Kia Kaha – from the NZEIPS Executive Committee

Download the full newsletter here

Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.

Hello and welcome to the November 2020 NZEIPS newsletter. It has been a busy 6 months since out last NZEIPS update in May. EIP teams across the country had been very busy with high referral rate in the periods following lockdown. Although it has been busy, we are still thankful to be back to ‘business as usual’, cpmpared to the ongoing challenges that many countries face around the world.

We held our Annual General Meeting (AGM) back in June, and it was great to meet some of our members across the country, by Zoom link. Thank you to those who were able to join us, and for those that couldn't, we hope to see you next time!

We have had a few changes in the exec committee. Simon Judkins (Auckland) has stepped down from his role as Chair, and this has been taken on by Eleanor Baggott (Christchurch). Brent Cooper (Palmerston North) has reprised his Secretary role. We have also welcomed Karlie Willis (Wellington) and Rosie Edens (Mid Central) onto the exec. This newsletter highlights some of the key projects we are working on as an exec, and we invite you to get involved in any you like!

Noho ora mai – the NZEIPS Executive Committee

Download the full newsletter here